Qualifications for Prophetic Minstrels

Qualifications for Prophetic Minstrels

Then one of the servants answered and said, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the Lord is with him.” – 1 Samuel 16:18

It’s one thing to be a musician. It’s another to be a musician with prophetic edge. Moses said to God, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us?” (Exodus 33:15,16). Serving as a musician in the Kingdom of God is not about entertaining people. It’s about facilitating the work of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives. This is not something you can do by your own strength and ability. Doing so requires a prophetic edge.

Here are some thoughts based on 1 Samuel 16:18 about what it takes to serve as a musician with prophetic edge :

Skillful Player
Skill Requires more personal responsibility than natural gifting.
Someone with desire, drive and initiative will progress farther than someone with natural gifting who doesn’t appreciate what they have.
Attaining skill requires many important personal character qualities such as vision, faith, work ethic, discipline, diligence, setting of priorities, time management and sacrifice. True Christlike character covers all the bases for success in this regard. Gal. 5:22,23

Man of Valor
Creativity is boldly going where no one has gone before. It takes courage to go to uncharted territory. Whether stepping out with spontaneous songs of the Lord or writing and producing original material, creativity requires personal investment coupled with the risk of rejection. Gen.12:1

Man of War
David took down both a bear and a lion before meeting Goliath. As a king, uniting his nation under God and securing his borders against enemies, he was required to be a man of war. Like begets like. David also raised up mighty men (Chron. 11:11). Reproduction after its own kind is a Biblical principle (Gen.1:24). With regard to raising future generation of worshipers, prophetic minstrels will reproduce after their own kind. Worship as spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:6-10). The worship experience engages hostile forces in a challenge for possession of spiritual land with secure borders. The prophetic minstrel must know how to attain personal victories if they are to lead others in the same conquest.

Prudent in Speech
Book of James: The tongue as a rudder
Life and death in the power of the tongue. A perfect man Controls the tongue. Consistent speech. Bless God /curse man: this ought not be. Words must edify others, not tear down. Speech creates new wine skin for new wine. Your future and destiny are forged by your words. Jesus promised judgment for every idle word

Man of Good Presence
Speaks a good self image
Recognition of what God made me: true humility – not puffed up, not self denigrating
Making balanced, healthy lifestyle choices
Willingness to present myself in a wholesome manner/clothing

The Lord is With Him
Speaks of calling and anointing to a certain task – as opposed to ascending to some position out of sheer force of will or personal ambiton
also speaks to our responsibility to respond to the call – daily personal walk with God
many are called, but few are chosen
do not grieve the Holy Spirit: sins of commission
do not quench the Holy Spirit: sins of omission.
Clean vessels set apart for honorable purposes. 2Tim.2:20,21