What is Epiphany?

Merriam Webster:  a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way.
Wikipedia:  an experience of sudden and striking realization… any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective.
  • Epiphany is an unpredictable event.
  • Epiphany can be triggered by random, everyday events or access to new information.
  • Epiphany is often preceded by a process of developing thought by which the stage is set for breakthrough – paradox is the doorway to epiphany.
  • Epiphany occurs in every day events such as discovering the solution to a crossword puzzle, realizing the plot twist in a story line or the sudden grasping an academic concept.
  • Epiphany may also represent a defining moment in someone’s life.  In one moment, with the adjustment of perspective through epiphany, everything can change.
  • Epiphany itself is not an endpoint destination.  It’s the beginning of something new.
Famous Examples of Epiphany:
  • Archimedes’ discovery of scientific method to determine the density of an object (“Eureka!” or, “I have found it!”).
  • Isaac Newton’s realization that a falling apple and the orbiting moon are pulled by the same force (gravity).
  • Martin Luther‘s discovery of “sole fide” within the pages of scripture:  righteousness with God through faith, not works.  Accepting a literal interpretation of Bible verses such as Romans 1:17 and Ephesians 2:8,9 constituted a major breakthrough in perspective which eventually gave birth to the Protestant church out of Catholic tradition.
  • Albert Einstein was burdened by two incompatible schools of thought within the field of physics.  He had given up hope of finding resolution, but then an epiphany led to a major breakthrough.  Einstein imagined a car driving away from a clock tower at the speed of light.  If this were the case, he realized that the light from the tower’s clock would be unable to catch up to the car.  Therefore, the clock would appear to have not moved from the car’s perspective.  Yet at the same time, the clock inside the car would still appear as advancing normally.  This realization led to the Theory of Relativity and the famous equation (E=mc2), establishing the interchangeability of mass and energy.  It was a major breakthrough in the world of modern physics.
Biblical Examples of Epiphany:
  • Jacob at Bethel (Genesis 28:16):  Jacob properly assessed the value of his father’s birthright and sought to lay hold of it the only way he knew how – through deceit.  On the run for his life, he encountered epiphany at Bethel.  Thereafter, he dedicated himself to serve God purposes.  His journey eventually led him led him to return to homeland and make make peace with his brother.  He retained his father’s birthright passed it on to his descendants.
  • Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-4):  While tending sheep in the backside of the desert, Moses turned aside to see a great sight.  Here, he encountered epiphany and the resurrection of a long dead dream to lead his people from Egyptian slavery to freedom.  He returned to Egypt after 40 year exile with Divine authority to lead the Hebrew nation to the borders of the Promised Land.
  • David at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite (1 Chronicles 21:16 – 22:5):  King David advanced in victories and achievements.  Now in a position of power & influence, he was able to act on a dream he held since his youth:  to build a permanent dwelling place for the presence of God.  David encountered epiphany which provided a Divine indicator for the building’s location.  The central focus for the rest of David’s life was on making preparation for the building of the Temple which his son Solomon built after him.
  • The Prodigal Son in the field of swine (Luke 15:11-32):  the Prodigal son “came to himself” after wasting his father’s inheritance and becoming destitute.  He realized that he would be better off as a servant in his father’s house rather than remain where he was.  He returned home only to find that the Father’s love was willing to restore a son’s status to him.
This Writer’s Personal Examples of Epiphany:
  • As a teenager in classroom setting, I had a sudden realization that if I wanted to be treated like an adult, I had to act like one.  The circumstances of this epiphany were so were so mundane I barely remember them, but the impact of epiphany has remained with me to this day.
  • As a college student simultaneously working part time and attending school part time, it occurred to me that I was getting nowhere fast and exhausting myself getting there.  A choice was required:  either work full time or attend school full time.  I could no longer do both.  So I took a loan and dedicated myself to complete an education.  The result was a university degree that eventually led to gainful employment and subsequent repayment of the school loan.
  • I found personal meaning in the Bible’s epic and historic tale of Israel’s captivity to Babylon and subsequent return to the Promised Land (Jer. 29:10-14; Deut. 30:1-6).  I identified with the nation of Israel in that story and realized that all Old Testament references can have a personal application.  This epiphany brought meaning and perspective to my life and resulted in a decision to return to Canada from seven years “exile” in the USA.  You can learn more about this story here. (link currently inactive – stay tuned)
You need an Epiphany:
  • if you dream an impossible dream
  • if you take the road less travelled
  • if you seek to do what’s never been done
  • if you seek purpose, meaning & direction in life
  • if your life is a riddle and/or unresolved paradox
My Purpose & Intent:
  • To act as catalyst to your own epiphany
  • To facilitate new insight & perspective
  • If nothing else, to provide you with a measure of entertainment:  have a chuckle at my expense!